First time in India about 1986 people have attended an online suicide prevention seminar. Suicide is an issue that is shaking human society globally. The World Health Organization estimates that more than eight million people worldwide commit suicide per year. In India, More than one lakh and thirty thousand suicides take place every year and mostly young people between the ages of 15 and 25 commits suicide. Although the reasons for suicide are numerous, most attempts are not made with the thought of committing suicide. Hence it is considered as a “Cry for Help”. Most people fail to recognise warning signs, risk factors and decode suicidal victims’ verbatims. September 10th is observed as International Suicide Prevention Day every year to raise awareness around the globe that suicide can be prevented. Athma Hospitals considers every September as suicide prevention month and has been organising lots of awareness campaigns and events. This year, on pairing with Indian Psychiatric Society-South Zonal Branch organised an awareness webinar named “LOVE TO LIVE” to inculcate suicide awareness, prevention strategies, creating a supportive environment for suicide survivors and responsibilities of the society. The Chief Guest, Dr Lakshmi Vijayakumar, Consultant Psychiatrist & Founder of Sneha Suicide Prevention Centre, Chennai, Former & first Asian Vice President of the International Association for Suicide Prevention and Chairperson of Indian Psychiatric Society- South Zonal Branch Suicide Prevention Committee is an eminent personality of our country shared her wisdom with the younger generation. She asked the participants to learn resilient skills, skills on accepting and facing rejections & failures, stress coping skills to flourish on their way to succeed in life. Thiru. V. Balakrishnan IPS, Joint Commissioner, Chennai North was the Guest of Honour, who motivated students to have passion on their interest, talk to experts when there is a stress, insisted the need of “me time” (personal time) and family time and suggested to learn yoga and meditation practices to keep oneself calm and clear during a hard time. During the webinar, the President of Indian Psychiatric society- south zonal branch Dr P. Kishan and Chief psychiatrist, Managing Director of Athma Hospitals and Vice President of Indian Psychiatric society South zonal branch Dr K. Ramakrishnan released the Suicide prevention awareness Poster to the public. Dr K. Ramakrishnan requested people to talk to persons who look sad and anxious, support them if the stress seems emergency help them for counselling or speak to suicide prevention hotline such as Athma Suicide Prevention Hotline (9842422121). One thousand nine hundred eighty-six participants were benefited, and 64.2% are students between 18 to 28 years.